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    Get out of the technology dead end!

    Every piece of information in PropOps can be read and written via the FieldPass underneath and its modular microservices. All apps developed by PropOps themselves also exclusively use these interfaces.

    Read the Documentation
    "startDate": "2020-12-01T00:00:00+00:00",
    "endDate": "2021-11-30T00:00:00+00:00",
    "ownerId": 26,
    "name": "Vertrag 2021 TGM Cluster Stuttgart",
    "contractorIds": {12, 7, 23},
    "type": 2,
    "place": (...),
    "service": {
    "name": "Standard-LV TGM",
    "nodeType": 1,
    "description": "Standard-Leistungsverzeichnis
    für das Technische Gebäudemanagement.",
    "schedule": (...)
    Best practices and experienced partners

    The basic technology required for PropOps is now available to everyone in the form of internet best practices. Based on user-centric paradigms and the processes necessary for mapping PropOps, well-proven products, concepts, and providers were chosen:

    • The cloud-based microservice infrastructure FieldPass, which specialises in service and building data, has been developed and used in the corporate group for ten years.
    • The industry standard Keycloak provided audited and secure identity, role and rights management based on standards such as OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0.
    • Software development actually takes place at the sister companies Feil, Feil & Feil in Ludwigsburg near Stuttgart, Germany and FFUF Manila in the Philippines in routine development processes.
    • The infrastructure is hosted natively in the Azure Cloud by Microsoft, which specialises in B2B applications, and operated professionally according to an operating plan.
    class TaskService {
    constructor(private taskRepository: TaskRepository) {
    loadAllTasks(): Observable {
    return this.taskRepository.getAll({
    endDate: new Date(2020, 10, 20),
    startDate: new Date(2020, 10, 25),
    page: 1,
    maxResults: 100,
    projectIds: [1, 5]
    class Tasks {
    ApiClient apiClient;

    Future> getAll() async {
    TaskTaskApi apiHandler = TaskTaskApi(apiClient);
    final page = await apiHandler.getAll(
    endDate: DateTime(2020, 10, 20),
    startDate: DateTime(2020, 10, 25),
    page: 1,
    maxResults: 100,
    projectIds: [1, 5]
    return page;
    class Tasks(
    private val taskApi: TaskApi
    ) {
    suspend fun getAll(): List {
    return taskApi.getAll(
    endDate = LocalDate.of(2020, 10, 20),
    startDate = LocalDate.of(2020, 10, 25),
    page = 1,
    maxResults = 100,
    projectIds = listOf(1, 5),

    Over the past 10 years, paradigms for the digitisation of the decentralised, building-related service sector have emerged in the corporate group, which PropOps not only follows but even uses to develop a workable, robust and sustainable product.

    • API first approach
    • User centric
    • Internationalisation and Localisation
    • Multi-platform
    • Offline capability

    Like all instances of FieldPass and the business models it supports, PropOps is also based on a professional operating plan. It includes regular updates of FieldPass for permanent security and stability, reliable monitoring of all services at both microservice and application level with corresponding documentation of incidents, native and scalable hosting in European data centres from Microsoft Azure with dedicated environments for development, quality assurance and productivity and an agile, German and English-speaking support team available during business hours from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (CET)

    Should further requirements be necessary for operation, PropOps is able to respond to these individually.

    Development processes

    The software development process defined in writing reflects current technology and industry best practices. For example, Terraform is used to automatically configure environments and deployment pipelines. Comprehensive branch management ensures a targeted rollout of defined features based on user stories. Pull requests for methodical code reviews by software architects are standard. Automated tests also ensure that subsequent failures caused by dependencies that are difficult to discover are identified, and linting avoids frequent errors.